

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

A while ago, the zoo told the two of that we were going to be in charge of public giraffe feeds.

Inside I was going

At first they threw us straight into it. Except the giraffes didn't know us, and didn't know that people gathering on the balcony meant that they would get food. So we spent the next several weeks hanging out on the balcony every day with lettuce, getting them used to us, and the fact that we brought treats. And they slowly got better at coming to us.
And the last two weekends, we've had public giraffe feeds. And it's gone really well! Sunday was the best day so far. Even the youngest, shortest giraffe comes up, though it's harder for her to reach us on the balcony.

It's been awesome getting to know the giraffes and spending so much time with them. I love all of them~
Heheh. One of the giraffes drools more than the others. Giraffe spit is very thick and sticky (it protects their mouths from the thorny acacia trees they eat in Africa), and when they drool, it literally looks like fishing line coming from their mouths. When it's really windy, her drool sometimes blows back in our faces XD

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