

Friday, March 27, 2020

Ajonse and Asani

Haha! I finally finished! I stalled for so long drawing it, but I finally finished! It was a hard pose to figure out. And every time I color dark skin, I always seem to smudge the faces horribly TT^TT But I didn't this time! Which I'm relieved about, because Jon is one of my favorite characters. I wanted to do him justice.
(When I drew living Hector and Imelda, I didn't screw them up, but I also accidentally made them too pale, so I don't think that counts)

So, here are two of the characters from Evva's story. Serise Asani is Evva's mage teacher. She's not a tall person.
Ajonse Asani, or Jon, is her husband. He's very tall, and powerfully built because he's a woodworker. He makes beautiful carvings. I'm not sure it came out very clearly in the picture, but she's supposed to look tiny next to him.
I tried several different hairstyles for Jon, and they all looked really bad. So he ended up looking like Sweet, from Atlantis XD

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