

Sunday, July 26, 2020

White Hair

Back in middle school, I wrote the first story set in Magic-Earth. It was a short story that becomes an old legend in the world.

Starting from there, I built up the worlds. I haven't really thought about that story in years. Now that I am thinking about it again, most of it no longer seems relevant.
For example, that that became an old legend? The plot really doesn't make sense as fitting in that world. Even though a couple of the characters became very important.
I suppose I may revamp it at some point. I can find some way to rework it and make it fit with the more developed worlds.

Part of what I'm questioning now is the hair.
In that legend story, the main character had white hair. Wen someone develops strong magic, it turns their hair white.
But where did the white hair originally come from? Well, I wasn't very good at coming up with character designs back then. The first few stories I wrote, I just borrowed the appearances of characters from Pokemon games. First I used the main duo from Pokemon Colossuem. Them I used the boy from Gale of Darkness.
And for the legend story, I used the two avatar characters from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. The main boy happened to have white hair. So I used the white hair, and built a story around it.
But you know the funny thing? In the manga, they ended up saying that it wasn't hair. It was actually a hat. And in the remakes of those games, it is also a hat.

The white Pokémon hat is the reason I said that people with strong magic have white hair.

For several years now, I've never really built on that white hair. When I drew Evva, I even forgot to include a little streak of white in her hair to show her magic growing.
And I never really explained why it happened biologically. The body spent too much energy on magic, so if forgot to add pigment to hair? Yeah, that seems kind of irrelevant.
So I think I may just drop white hair for good.
Though for a while now, I have been toying with people using magic to dye their hair.

Magellenic penguins

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