

Friday, December 11, 2020

Reuse Before you Recycle

I try to get the maximum use out of everything. It comes down to being sustainable. We live in an incredibly wasteful society, and it needs to stop. 

But sometimes it's hard to know whether it's better or worse to replace old things with new. For example, vehicles and appliances. Newer ones are far more efficient with energy and such. But it also takes a lot of energy and resources to build that new appliance, so it may actually be better to keep that old one instead of replacing it with something new. 

Anyway, that was a bigger buildup than I intended. Here's what I was getting at. I've been using calendar pictures as wrapping paper. If it's a small gift, I can just use one photo. But my dad had a big gift this year, so I plastered it with a bunch of calendar pictures. And that's when I started wondering. Paper is recyclable and biodegradable. But now I'm covering the paper in tape, which is not compostable. Is it better to use less tape, even if it means not reusing some pretty pieces of paper? 

This is an almost insignificant step in being sustainable. But it's the weird kind of things I think about XD

Anyway, the take-away is try not to be wasteful. Even if you're not as bizarre about it as I am.

Juvenile wallaroo

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