

Monday, January 25, 2021

A Day in the Life of the Dead

 I just discovered that Disney Plus released a Coco short a couple days ago. 

My Disney Plus subscription ran out a few weeks ago. And I was just somewhere yesterday where I could have watched that short on someone else's account. I'm in the middle of about 3 series right now, and I didn't want to restart any subscription services until I finished those. 

And yet despite all of these things, I went and renewed my Disney Plus subscription to watch a 2 minute Coco short. 

Less than two minutes, actually. It was more like an animation test than anything. There was no dialogue, and all of the music was straight from the movie. And there were only 3 seconds, probably less, of Hector and Imelda dancing, 


Did I feel a bit jipped? Yes. 

But I mean, it was inevitable. There was no way I wasn't going to jump on that sucker the moment I learned of its existence. 

Am I going to watch it again? You bet. I just spent $7 to watch it, after all.

Would I have spent $7 if I knew it would only be 3 seconds of Hector and Imelda dancing? Probably.

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