

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Building Up Characters

I finished Evva's story (the first draft) about six years ago. I've been editing it on and off ever since. 

It was many years before finishing the first draft that I was doing tons of research on character development. I found a bunch of pages from different sources with questions to help you create a good character. I compiled questions from all of them to make one mega questionnaire. The ultimate character development sheet. I filled it out for a couple of my older characters. It took a very long time because it's many pages long. I haven't been brave enough to tackle it since. Until now. I finally filled it out for Evva. 

It took ages. I had to do it in stages so I wouldn't zone out. It helped me figure out a lot of stuff that defines Evva. Not necessarily things that would appear in the story, but they would determine how she reacts in certain situations. And how she got to where she is.

That questionnaire I put together (aka stole from many people-though they were online for people to use) is a beast. But it definitely helped! 

Young mandrill 

Baby mandrill

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