

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dragon's Pen Mascots

Okay! So I worked very hard on this picture (I did it during school) and I finally tried experimenting with some highlites to give my characters a bit more depth. Thanks for putting it up, Ellen! As usual.
So, First of all, the characters. The wolf's name is Dark Fang. He's Fern's friend. I don't know if I ever mentioned him or not. Then the girl, I guess she could be me. And that thing on her head is supposed to be a squirrel monkey. But it was really hard because it was so small. It just looks like a blob with a big tail. Squirrel monkeys are cute. I watn one! Then the dragon. I think that if I could turn into a dragon, that's what I would look like. I was toying with the idea of sticking Reein in there, but I couldn't find a good place to fit him in.
Yes, the dragon is writing jibberish. And yes the wolf is lying on the grass, not running like Danielle thought. And Dad thought that behind the trees was a brown and green wall. It's not a wall. It just represents the rest of the forest and I was too lazy to draw in infinite trees. Well, I hope you enjoy it. I'm going to attempt to find a way to put this picture as a sort of welcoming picture. Maybe right under the blod title. I hope I can do it on my computer.

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