

Friday, May 9, 2008

When a Story Boggs Down

So, I think I'll write about how a story can become lame. I'm sure you've been there. You start reading a book, and it starts out good, but then it turns out to suck at the end. So, what makes a story bad?
Well, I'll outline a few things I've noticed. If you think of anything else, you're wecome to add them. And if you disagree, then sorry. This is my opinion.
So, #1 is detail. Don't get me wrong. Detail is great. You want detail. You want to be able to see/hear/smell the story you're reading. You want to get sucked into it (I love getting sucked into a good book! That's why I read slowly, so I can appreciate it). But too much detail can really make a book drag along at a boring pace. Some older books did this a lot. They'd spend an entire chapter explaining a person's shoes, or something like that. It gets very boring.
#2, adding unnecessary details. Again, detail is good. But some things you'd rather not picture, and you just don't want to elaborate on certain things. You read it and you think "I didn't need to hear that," groaning in disgust. Don't get too much into dirty, mucky details. Just leave those out and keep the good stuff.
#3 excessive romance. Sure, a little romance is fine. I'm not saying it's bad. Some of it can be sweet. But when an action story turns into a love story, it can sometimes turn out very disappointing. For example, Tamora Pierce used to be my favorite author. I read all of her books. But then I started to notice that her books weren't as exciting as they once were. They were getting stuck in romance. And getting a little too detailed about it too, if you know what I mean. Not to mention that she included the dirty details mentioned above. It was a disappointment to me to notice that she got lost in the romance. It's not like I hate her now, but I don't enjoy her books as much as I used too before the LUVE stole the plot. There doesn't need to be love in everything, you know. Some books can just have friendship between a boy and a girl. But some people insist that all girl and guy characters have to hook up in the end.
So, to all of you, if I ever turn against my own advice, I give you permision to whack me.

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