

Monday, October 26, 2009

Escape From Plato's Cave

So, "Escape from Plato's Cave" is a song we played in band for our last concert. (On a side note, I haven't been REALLY connected to any of the songs we've gotten so far in college Symphonic Band. I guess I have different tastes from our conductor. I mean, some of the pieces are cool. But we don't have anything pretty. Maybe one movement of a piece, or a few lines in a larger piece.)
Either way, that song is based off of Plato's Allegory of a Cave which I had to learn twice-once in high school and once in college. The story is about what would happen if people who had lived in a cave all their life were suddenly exposed to the outside world (more or less). But the margin notes on our music didn't sound too much like Plato's version. They did sound very cool however. It sounded like it would make a good story.
So there's this girl in Symphonic Band named Arianna. She's a few years older than me. She played flute last year, and now she's doing oboe. But she writes stories too and she wanted to write on with me. So we eventually settled on writing this story. So, she told me to write the first chapter. So I did. I sent it to her a few weeks ago. And I have yet to hear anything about it. Sigh. We'll see if anything ever comes of it. If not, I have my first chapter and I can do something with it later. I only have one or two ideas about what should come later on. About the roles the friends play in the whole thing. That's about it... Ooh, I should post some of those notes so you can get the idea. I wonder if I can find a recording of the song...
Hey, I think I'll post the first chapter! Just cause I should post some of my work and I never do.
So, a warning, to people reading this. Don't steal my stuff or my dragon will get you.
(The name of the underground city is basically a rather bad mismatch of letters from "Plato's Cave")

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