

Monday, October 19, 2009


Ah, I've been neglecting some posts I want to do.
By the way, thanks for the picture Steph. Did you get my email a couple days ago?
Hey, about your Fishers and the Sorai, I'm curious. Is there any information about their behavior/societies that you have in mind? And where do they live? What are their houses like ,ex. For the story we started writing together? Cause you said I could use those 2 species...

Sooo, here's one of the posts. On tuesday this week, there was a big storm. Now, I live on a hill, but somehow our basement got flooded. Don't ask me how. So we spent a lot of time bailing water out of our basement and pulling stuff out of the way. It was only a few inches in one corner, but it was enough to be a big hassle. There was a cardboard portfolio that Mom kept that had some of my older drawings from when I was younger. Some of them got a bit soaked so we had to let them dry. Anyway, I found a couple of my old stories in that portfolio. As usual, they're only part completed. And they're pretty bad. Heheh. I think I actually mentioned them earlier in the blog.
One was about a group of kids getting lost in the woods and trying to survive. Very random...
Then there are a few chapters about a group of girls that are on a volleyball team. I was in the volleyball team in 6th grade, which is probably when I wrote this.
And the last one was sort of interesting. It was the dinosaur one where people live with dinosaurs. I guess it was like my own version of Dinotopia. Parts of it were so bad that they were funy. Actually, some of the names in it were kind of interesting. And the layout for the city was interesting too. Hmm.

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