

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Thanks Stephanie! That helps cause I'm literally just about to have the character meet a fisher-a real one, not one that looks like a fisher but is mean... yeah. So, now I can keep writing. I'm been working on this kinda slowly.
Writing in general has been a bit sluggish for a few weeks. A page or so here and there, writing my fanfic, adding some to this story. I just got a lot to do. Our lives are so strange. They seem to be scheduled on the fact that there's never enough time to do anything... And then there all these things designed to help eat time. Like video games ^o^ Seriously, they really do eat time...
Like I said, I have a lot I really want to write about on the blog but I've been neglecting that too. Again, a lot to do. (Only partly because I got a new game ^3^'' (Yes, experimenting with guilty-looking computer faces).
I lost my train of thought... seriously, I forgot what I was going to say. Oh, I'm so glad tomorrow's my last day before the weekend... thank goodness for no friday classes... Well, maybe I'll remember later. For now, I should explain about the title of the post-wolves. Yes, I love wolves, though that's not what this is about. Another belated post since I actually finished this a week ago. I may have mentioned that Nicole and Ellen gave me a list of anime and manga to get through to "improve my meager repertoire." So, I agree to get through them if there's nothing in them to make me wanna stop.
So, Nicole had me watch "Spice and Wolf." It was pretty good. I wasn't completely wild about it, but it was interesting. (though a warning if you want to watch it, the wolf girl often doesn't wear clothes, though it's drawn in a way to not be too... detailed if ya know what I mean. So not too bad).
Anime really seem to like wolves. There was that other one I saw over a year ago, and I posted on it when it finished because the end was so devastating! Wolf's Rain. I don't remember how much I posted about it. Bu I really loved the wolves and Cheza. The plot in general was pretty dark, but I kept watching because I expected to end with them finding paradise. But (SPOILERS) it ended by everyone-and I mean everyone-dying. And apparently paradise was screwed up too... So yeah. Not a fun way to end the series...
Ooh, I remembered what I was gonna say earlier.
So, a lot of my posts recently haven't been too closely tied to my writing. I want you to know that I realize this. There's just lots of cool stuff to share! And Like I said, my writing's been a bit sluggish since I finished "Of Spirits and Demons." And about that, I still have to but up my silly "tidbits" so I'll be doing that once I get around to it...

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