

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I don't understand the world sometimes. There are so many stupid things going on...
You know, every time someone is elected into an important political position, they feel like they need to make laws. So they make laws that are stupid and make life more complicated and stupid than it is already. One bad example is that they recently made the train whistles much louder. So though that may benefit a few people who would walk into the railroad tracks because they can't hear a train, it hurts everyone else because noises that are that horribly loud damage ears. So instead of a few people being hard of hearing, then everyone will go deaf... Laws that benefit one or two people and hurt everyone else aren't needed. We don't want them. Not that the minority isn't important. And there are good laws of course. But there shouldn't be laws that only help a couple people and screw everyone else.
For example about a week ago, I heard a story where a little boy in elementary school was going to go on a camping trip, so he was really excited. He brought a sort of pocket mess kit thing to school that included a fork and a knife. and because he brought a knife to school, this little kid is going to be sent to several weeks of correctional learning or some other sort of @#&$!#*$&!#^*!#$%*!#$%&!#$% like that! How is that justice? What is WRONG with our society that we need to do that with a little boy who didn't even know better in the first place!?!?! I swear... if I ever get my hands on people like that... huff huff huff...
And then you hear things about a guy at a theme park who lost his hat so he he climbed up under the rollercoaster to get it and he got killed by the rollercoaster. So his family sued the theme park even though there were signs that stated the obvious :DO NOT CROSS! They sued the theme park because that guy was STUPID enough to walk under a moving rollercoaster! I'm not saying he deserved to die, but something like that would NOT be the fault of the theme park who put up signs. The excuse was that there weren't enough signs or that the signs weren't in enough languages or anything. But that's still so stupid! It's obvious that you shouldn't step over a fence that's clearly there to protect you...
And there were those two freaks who went to the San Francisco Zoo and tormented the tiger enough that it got out and killed one of them. They were throwing rocks and stuff and I heard (though I'm not sure) that one of them climbed over the first fence, which is the reason why the tiger was able to get out. And they had to kill the poor tiger and they sued the zoo even though those freaks were clearly harassing the animals. That was their fault, not the zoos.
Now tell me-is this a just society that you're pleased with? When people with cases like this actually win? And it happens OFTEN.
The people who allow this kind of stuff need to be sent to an intense mental facility. There are certain things where it's just to sue someone. It's not always wrong to sue soemone when some guy drives a car through your front door or soemthing then yeah, make him pay for repairs. For example, up near Nevada City, some arson set the forest on fire and it almost burnt down the Ananda community-a peaceful church community. But luckily nothing was seriously damaged (though it came damn close-you can see the burnt trees right across the street from one of the temples). And Ananda decided NOT to sue the guy.
Ok... I'd better stop cause thinking about this kinda stuff makes me mad if you can't tell. (Yes, another post I've been putting off which is why it's about an event that took place over a week ago).

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