

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Full Metal Alchemist

ANYWAY, I finished Full Metal Alchemist today!
A word to the wise, if you're watching the series and you think the last episode leaves several things hanging, well, it does. You gotta watch the movie cause that ties up the loose ends.
(This paragraph contains minor SPOILERS-the next paragraphs won't) So, I still wasn't entirely satisfied with the outcome though . I wanted Ed and Al to go back to their world! They had to leave all their old friends behind! Waah! But at least they ended up together. And jeez, now they gotta survive World War II?

So yeah . It was a good series, though not for the faint of heart cause it can be a bit bloody. Anyway, as usual, I really like the characters. Alchemy is cool. PArts of it were funny too, like Hawkeye's dog. And Ed hating being called short.
So, I approve. I watched in in Japanese, FYI. Though the only site where I could watch them all with english subtitles, the quality wasn't great and I had to wait for them to load.
SOO yeah. Good. Now I must progress to watching the next Anime on the list Ellen and Nicole gave me. I'll probably watch Fruits Basket next. Nicole told me to now that I've finished the manga (I need to read some of teh Full MEtal ALchemist manga too-I've read the first 2 volumes).
Curses to Ellen and Nicole for their anime-ness! (I hope they end up reading this though they probably won't)


Crystal said...

Oooh, if you watched the first FMA, you have to watch brotherhood~

Tara C said...

I should, huh? I want to finish reading the manga first though.