

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bla-di-bla and more tidbits

Sooo my laptop doesn't seem to be working right now and I have some of my pictures saved on it. I'll try to salvage some of them so that I can show you a photo of where the mage temple is supposed to be situated on the alternate-Earth.
Until then, I'll talk about some other tid-bitty things. Tidbits. That makes me think of a scrap of meat I'd feed to a dog or something... why did I pick that word? Why do I keep bringing this topic up?
Angeles. She is obsessed with Harry Potter. I told her I'd put her in my story since it's probably the closest she'll ever get to Harry Potter. I don't think she's read more than the 1st chapter, so she never got far enough to see herself come in. Sigh. What a surprise.
Remember my old, broken story, "Dragons of Element?" Well, I have been slowly salvaging some of the better ideas from it. The Nazuth and Shaydens were originally from that story. But the Shaydens were called "Night Shadows." Hmm. Random name...
Oh! Shadow Swift! I originally created him years ago! Back when I was still riding at that one place over the summer... I was going to write a whole story about a girl (on our planet) who finds a horse that can disappear except for the shadow. And you can see him if you're holding a piece of gold (I don't know where that came from). And one of the scenes was she was riding a horse and suddenly she hears galloping hoofbeats approaching. They're practically right on top of her, but she doesn't see anything and then the hoofbeats fade away again. The horse panics a bit too.
Chakashi, Tlaloc, and Poppy. Three horses that Briena and her friends use. I created the designs for these horses a long time ago too. Tlaloc is the Aztec rain god. Chakashi means something too... But I can't find it in my notes anywhere. Let me look again. Haha! Found it! Chakashi is supposedly a Shoshone wind spirit. And Poppy is a gray horse that I once saw where I went riding. I never really got to meet her though. Just saw her and remember the name. She was leaping about and kicking up her heels in the corral.
Ah, that trail where Briena and her friends go riding... I've been backpacking up in the Sierra Nevadas. It was indeed beautiful, but I much rather would have ridden a horse cause the pack is heavy and the trail is long... Being up there was fun but the hike was pretty grueling.

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