

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I've been drawing lots of concept sketches of Fern. I'm not gonna put one of them up for sure. And I'm gonna draw a few more, and then I'll post all of the others at once. Just so's ya know.
So, I'm gonna talk about something that bugs me.
Plastic packaging.
You know, when you buy a toy at the store, and it has a fortress of heavy duty plastic packaging around it, and you break the toy trying to break the plastic off of it?
Or like pringles (though not plastic), you have to buy a whole tube of metal had cardboard for a handful of stupid chips. The packaging costs more than the thing you're buying!
And then all that wasted plastic ends up i landfills, filling up space and leeching into our ground water. And need I remind you that plastic never breaks down. It gets smaller when it rips and stuff, but those small pieces are still plastic. There's a big spot IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN where there's tons of plastic floating in the water. There's more plastic there than there is plankton.
And then birds eat the plastic on the beaches, thinking it's food. And they fill their stomachs with plastic, but get no nutrition from it, so they starve to death.
Styrofoam's really bad too.

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