

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Girls Are Crazy

So, in the story Ellen and I wrote, in one of her chapters, Ellen had Arith get buried in girls. He finally escapes and complains to Saleera that "girls are crazy."
After much research, I must conclude that he is absolutely correct.
Well, not that much research. After all, I'm a girl too, so I ought to know.
Here's some examples. The Beatles. When they were popular, there were swarms of girls after them. Videos of the sight are terrifying to watch. Masses of hysterical, screaming, sobbing girls.
And then you look on youtube and stuff. I'll use the Vlogbrothers as an example, though there's many others. Most of their followers are girls. And girls can leave very weird comments on videos.
Girls obviously really like guys.
Comments such as "will you marry me" are even less prevalent than taking that one step further. I remember getting into an excited conversation about Howl's Moving Castle with someone in one of my college. Love that movie. Howl, spoiled and whiney as he may be, can be very cool (I mean, he has WINGS!). But this girl said to me "I want to have his babies."
At which point I just went O_O
Now, I'm sort of curious. If some girls started a video blog on Youtube, would most of their followers be guys? I mean, are girls a lot more obvious about stuff they're really excited (obsessed) about? Cause I know there are guys who are far from innocent. So are guys just better at hiding being excited about stuff? Like I get really excited about good movies/anime/ex. I don't recall hearing any of my guy friends getting as excited as me about that stuff.
And one last question. I don't hear guys use the word "cute" too much. Is that a girl thing too?
Yes. Don't I pick such fascinating topics to write about?

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