

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vlogbrothers Part 2

OK! I finally caught up with all the Vlobgrothers videos last week!!! So, I'm gonna put up one more set of my favorite videos!!
There's no way I'm covering all the good stuff! Go watch them all!!! Become a Nerdfighter!

Here's one I mentioned a while ago. Start at 3:00. Secret signing! That would be so fun! Hahah!

I never put this up! The is the song that first got the Vlogbrothers featured on Youtube! It came out just about a week before the last Harry Potter book.

I love they way the song harmonizes!

This is so funny!

I think this is my favorite of their songs. (But I rely liked the chorus of the angler fish song: "Because you can't hate the night if you've lived your whole life without light, and you can't hate the dish if you've only ever eaten fish, and you can't feel alone if it's all you've ever known." )

This is so sweet and funnnyyyy!!!!!!! About 1:00

Starts at about 0:40. Yaay for getting excited! Ellen and Nicole and I can get very excited about thing. You'll never know unless you see it yourself! Hahah!

Is unfortunately true... why do people have to DO this? I hear my dad get mad over the phone all the time...

I just laughed. It's hard to get me!

Someone in my humanities told me about this a few semesters ago. I'd like to try it when I'm no longer in school.

OK, so the next three videos are done by an author named Maureen Johnson because John is absent for a few weeks. She gives good advice about writing books and stuff.

There's three years worth of videos! Get watching!!

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