

Monday, July 9, 2012

Polaris Plushie

Just made a new plushie pattern and plushie. It still needs a bit of tweaks. I was lazy, so I made my plushie out of my first pattern draft, and it looked like a fat cow with really scrawny legs. So I started over, this time making a practice plushie out of an old sheet. Which was fortunate, since the legs were still off. This one looks so much better than my first attempt. But I still fixed the pattern up a bit in case I ever want to try something else like this.
So, it's based off of my Ponyta, Polaris. White coat, blue eyes, and three colors in her mane and tail.
I feel so productive.
Except not. Because I've hardly done anything on Katani. At least I've finished most of the first conversation, which is sort of gnawing away at my brain. I'll have to go back and reorganize the order of what they talk about though.
At least I'm getting back on track with my fanfic. A few of my last chapters felt lame, so I'm getting them exciting again.

Fact of the day:
Technically, rubies are just red sapphires.

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