

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Okay. I'll do the more informative posts starting tomorrow. I want to do the fun one today.
This was one of our exercises on the second day. There were about 20 pictures spread out over the floor. All of us picked one, and started writing about it.

I found this picture really awesome.
And then I found out that it was on the internet. I'm guessing that this is the original site.

I like these sorts of pictures where things aren't quite what they seem. And this one's really creative.

So, here's the thing I wrote. I'm just going to tweak it a bit and add in line breaks so that it's a poem. Cause it's basically a poem anyway.

Everything is unraveling.
The edges are fraying,
And piece by piece,
Things fall apart.
The very lines
Of the page on which I write
Wrinkle and slide
To the floor,
A tangle of blue thread.
Those lines
That usually guide my pen
And harness my words,
Slipping away,
Leaving nothing but whiteness
And the homeless scratches of ink,
Made by a small bird
Digging for ideas
Among the fallen leaves of her mind.
All rules,
All lines guiding us,
Blow away in the wind
And leave me alone
With nothing
But the leaves,
The scratches of ink,
And the broken pieces of a world crumbling apart.

It's funny, because I only noticed after I wrote it that the title of the picture was "Rules." Very appropriate.

My Dad just finished reading this about an hour ago. And he said "It's so sad!" and started implying that all the dark stuff I read for school was rubbing off on me. Which I retorted: "It's about how people freak out when their guidelines disappear, and they have nothing to follow, when in reality those guidelines are only lines on a page."

And just now, I started playing around, and realized that I could do this! It lines up almost perfectly!

I don't have a Flickr account, so I can't leave a comment asking for permission to use the guy's photo. I also wanted to show him what I did with it...\
Maybe Nick will send the message for me. I know he has Flickr.

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