

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Query Letters

Here's another sheet I thought would be helpful to share.
So, as you may or may not know, when you submit a work of fiction to an agent, you need to start by sending them a query letter. It's really easy to find information about them online, so I'll let you look it up. I doubt I could explain them very well anyway. But basically, you get one page in which to sell your work to the agent and convince them that you're better than the hundreds of other requests they get.
If you do something wrong, they'll drop your letter and move on to the next one.
Not easy to do.
There was a sample of an excellent query letter, but apparently I'm not supposed to share it (Ask me if you want me to show you though).
But I'll post the list of what NOT to do.

Address the letter to the agent. Don't address it "to whom it may concern" or some such thing. And don't send mass messages to many agents at once.
Try to get across that you actually RESEARCHED agents, and they you've tried hard to pick out the right agent for your work.

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