

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Rohan the Dragon

Random random randomness
There's this one thing on DA that makes different species of adoptables and either gives of sells them out. Their page is called AmaDoptables. For the non-custom ones, they usually go to the first person that submits a proper claim. But every now and then they have one with special conditions.
I really love their baby kirin designs, and I've tried several times to get one of them. And I have not yet succeeded.
On the 4th of July, they had a few creatures colored in red, white, and blue. I failed to get the kirin, but there was also a dragon. I looked at the conditions just for fun, and it said to explain the funniest things we do on the 4th of July. So, just because I couldn't resist, I had to give the story of how I terrified my young cousin with a long green bean (I told him it was a snake, and ate it). I just wanted to share my story, so I didn't even submit a normal claim. And, what do you know, I won.
Though I'll still probably try for a baby kirin. Heheh.
So, I'd like you to meet Rohan.
I wanted to name him something to do with fireworks, so I looked up different types of fireworks. I wanted to make his name a play on "Roman Candle." After a couple of failed ideas, I settled on Rohan (LOTR reference!).
You can go to his page to see the character I gave to him.

Heheh. You guys should try for an adoptable. If you get one, introduce him/her here on the blog!

The next question is... why do I need one of their dragons? Don't I have plenty of my own already?

Fact of the day:
The amount of light you get in the evening affects your metabolism. If you're about to go to bed, turn off the bright lights and use dimmer ones. If there's less light before you go to sleep, you'll fall asleep faster!

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