

Monday, September 28, 2015

Waiting Game

Still working on re-writing my story.
At this point, I can only go so far. I keep waiting on my teachers to get me more information about what to do next. I never go full comments from any of them. I'm just going by what I heard from the meeting. So that's one thing I'm waiting on (One thing from 3 different people).
I've been trying to plan my exams for two weeks now. I want to have them this week, but I've gotten no word about it.
Which is frustrating. I keep sending out emails, tryign to figure out who knows what and if it will be ready. It's hard to keep everyone in communication.

I have a lot of other homework this week too.
One of my homework assignments this week is a literary analysis essay.
Remember how much I used to hate those? Well, this time I have a good book to review. I'm doing Thirteen Reasons Why. It shouldn't be too bad. I've got the intro mostly done, and I have a bunch of ideas for the rest of it.
It's amazing how much difference there is about writing a literature analysis between something you hate and soethign you enjoy. Especially when you ocassionally pick apart books/movies/anime you like, to see what makes it tick. Or when you write about them on a blog.

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