

Friday, November 2, 2018

Spirits Day

It's Dia do los Muertos. Or I guess more accurately, the last two nights have been Dia do los Muertos.
I got home too late last night to do anything, except listen to half of the Coco soundtrack.
Tonight I walked to the cemetery near my house, but it wasn't open. I guess they don't stay open late, even for Dia de Muertos. (I used to be able to sneak in, but that's a rather time-consuming thing. Plus, I think they've locked off all the old routes...)
I'll have to get back there during my weekend to pay some respects.

Tonight I watched part of Coco. Man, I still melt all over that movie. Though I feel like I've squeezed all of the little details and surprises out of it.
I need to watch the whole movie again. I haven't done that in several weeks (heheh).

There's a celebration nearby this weekend. I think I might be able to go to part of it after work.

I realized that I'd meant to do something of my own for Dia de los Muertos.
Which meant that at 10:30 PM tonight, you would have found me in the backyard with a flashlight, piking the few marigold flowers that actually look nice.
They smell good. My hands still smell like marigolds.
I grabbed my only two candles and put them on my dresser, along with four little marigold flowers in a shotglass.
I don't have many nice framed photos, so it's more of a pile of photos on my dresser. But I hope that suffices.
Not nearly as nice as the ones in the movie. I guess I'll have to do better next year.

Even if it's late at night, send your love to the loved ones who are no longer with us.

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