

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Finished Arrin!

I finally finished Arrin's story!
That took way way too long. Especially considering it's not long at all. It was such a hassle to write XD
The ending's a bit sloppy. But let's be real. Most of it is pretty sloppy at this point.
Hopefully the second draft will be a lot easier. It should.

Gonna throw out some more animal photos to celebrate.
Since the end of the story talks about African animals (though I may scrap that and instead do this part as a short story) I'll do African animals this time.


Western lowland gorilla (she's posing like a painting model)

Black rhino, eating his Halloween pumpkin treat

Baby kudu! (He's got little horns now! They grow so fast @_@

Can we all agree that baby meerkats should be called meer-kittens? Just like baby prarie dogs should be prarie puppies.

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