

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Criticism and Current Works

Response to Stephanie's previus comment.
Don't worry. I pretend to be offended, but I know I need criticism. I was just being dramatic. I guess I didn't do a good enough job... But either way, where would "artists" be if they didn't get criticism? That's what helps you to improve. And I admit that I do need to work on character development and variety. But just because I know I need criticism doesn't mean I can't complain about it! Wheee!
By the way, I added another element to the side of the page. It's a list of the stories I"m currently working on. so, let me write the code.
"Typing" means I've finished the story, but have to type it into the computer.
If there's a name next to the story, it's one I'm writing with someone else.
"Fanfic" means it's something I'm working on for fan fiction.
"Hold" means I haven't worked on it in a really long time.

By the way, I don't think I wrote about Banana Notebook yet. Let me explain. I found a rack of notebooks at a store, but they were made out of banana pulp instead of paper. I bought one, and started writing in it. I haven't really gotten very far, but each section is a very vivid description of some impact humans are having on the environment.
I think I've written about most of the other stories already, even if I have yet to elaborate on some of them. I'll get to it eventually.
By the way, this list is dedicated to Stephanie. I saw something similar to this on her blog, and decided that this would be a good place to list the stories I'm working on. Thanks Stephanie!

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