

Monday, December 5, 2011

Reducing Footprint

So, for my climate change class, one of our projects was to reduce our ecological footprint (our impact on the environment) by trying to live differently for five days.
I already do a lot to try to reduce my footprint, like taking the train or carpooling, and taking care of a compost bin. Short of moving to a solar-powered apartment, I wasn't sure what I could do.
So I decided to make a bunch of smaller changes, or to do more of them.
I didn't buy any meat for the 5 days. I bullied Mom into turning the lights and computer off downstairs and to save some of the water she wastes while she's trying to heat it to wash her face. I went to the Farmer's Market to pick out a bunch of food. I only drove a couple very close places during the 5 days, and I took the train and carpooled to school. I did some other small things too.
But you guys should try that some time. See what you can do to reduce your footprint, even if it's only for a few days.
Find out what your ecological footprint is here.
And here's that list of changes you can make to reduce your footprint. This thing took me forever to write, so I'm gonna continue to link to is.
If everyone on the planet lived like I do, we'd need almost 4 earths to sustain us. And my footprint is a helluvalot lower than most Americans. A lot of my footprint is probably because I live i a house, not an apartment.
One of the reasons we'd need so many earths is because there's too many people...

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