

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Writing Class

I don't think I write about my Creative Writing class enough. And since I just got back from it, I guess now is a good time to write about it.
Pretty much the entire class consists of reading our poems and short stories aloud. And then commenting on them.
No one told me that we read everything aloud. So before I discovered that, I turned in two poems that didn't think other people would care to hear. Well, now I know. One of them was pretty well accepted. But for the other, I completely forgot to make it rhyme. I thought she said we didn't need to rhyme. Usually I like rhyming too. XP Hopefully I won't make any other stupid mistakes. Though I doubt anyone else thought it was nearly as stupid a mistake as I did.
Most of the people in the class are very good writers. Unlike my last creative writing class, which was entirely students, many of which had rather bad grammar. These people are much more skilled, and a lot of them are beyond being in school. They're just in the class because they're passionate about writing. So that's definitely nice. I shouldn't be surprised about it. Band there is the same way.
I have joined Scott among the group of wild guys. So I'm never bored (I always end up with wild people. It's more fun that way). XD Guess I've got some new friends now too. Oh, crud, I need to remember that one guy's name... I'm so terrible at names!! I feel so horrible when I can't remember a person's name. Especially when they know mine.
The class is broken into three main sections. I'm in the first one, since this is my first time in the class. The first class is a combo of poetry and prose. There's some sort of poem due almost every week. And although I like writing poems, I'm afraid I'll run out of things to write about. Because I usually reserve poems for when I feel very eloquent about something (like the fog I sometimes drive through, which is really cool). So I need to look around for subjects that I can be fancy about. I can only think of one more...
I turned in my first short story a few weeks ago. And today I turned in my edit of it, and my self-critique. And I think I finally decided on a topic for my second short story. While I have many many ideas, very few of them are ones I can fit into the small page limit. Especially since our prose has to be 14 font. That really threw me off for my first story.
And in my section, everyone critiques one story for someone else. So I turned in my critique today.
And people bring in food. Whoo! Free food!

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