

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Star Boy

So, usually I don't spend too much time on my "future stories" when I already have a main story that I'm working on. But I do get random flashes of inspiration for these future stories sometimes, and that happened recently. And it happened for one of my more vague ideas, so now I have some more shape to give that story.
And once I got started, I found out how to link some of my other ideas into that story too.
Which all started with the idea of a new character. He's actually the spirit of a star that took on human form.
And - I'm so predictable - since he's not a real human I immediately got very attached to him...
I'm working on a picture of him now, but I still need to color it. Hopefully it will come out decent.

And I'm still going over the debate about whether to make Kon female.
I am leaning towards that.
Sigh. It will mean changing so much stuff though...
But it worked very well for Toph. She started out as a guy.
My three viewpoint characters have a little too much in common (like how they're all males, and their first names all begin with K for some reason and... yeah. All of which just sort of happened without me thinking about it.
Changing Kon will help mix that up some, and hopefully get rid of some of the snags in the story.
Kon will need a new name too.
Every time I think I have all the names sorted out, I have to change something again. Bleh.

There are things that have been bugging me about Katani's design too. But I've been resisting those changes, for reasons that might not make much sense.
But it's stuff to do with his name and his families names and his appearance.
But all that stuff feels so fixed in place now. It hurts to change it! TT^TT

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