

Monday, February 29, 2016

Library Checkout Cards

In the movie Whisper of the Heart, Seiji is trying to get the attention of a girl who loves to read. So he checks out a whole bunch of books from the library to get his name on the checkout card. That way when she checks out those books, she'll notice that his name is already on all of the cards.

Except they don't have those checkout cards anymore.
It's all digital.

Now, at the library near my house, whenever you order a book, movie, ex, they put it on the hold shelf with a little card on it. The card has your initials and your library pin number.
And there's someone with my same initials (different pin number), so their holds are always right next to mine.
And they keep checking out stuff that I like, or have seen, or plan to see.
It's a bit eerie.
I was at the library with Ellen, and she said it might be like the incident in Whisper of the Heart. Which is a cool idea, though I doubt anyone would go to such trouble. I think?
It's amazing though how often I see something of their that I like.

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