

Saturday, August 30, 2008

All these people...

"Red: The Next Generation of American Writers--Teenage Girls--On What Fires up Their Lives."
Edited by Amy Goldwasser

Just a quick note. This is the title of a book that Erika, a girl I know, got an article published in. So, to support her, go buy the book and read her article.

By the way, I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but a magazine published an article I wrote about mustangs. Not a big magazine, but still... It's called "Species Link." My article is called "Wandering Among Wild Horses."

Oh, my uncle Rob was in Vanity Fair a while ago! He's pretty well known in his field. He knows a lot of important people in politics. I'm not crazy about politics myself, but still. It's cool to say I have an uncle like that.

And my dad made a documentary about eagles. He's not much of a computer person, so it's taken him many years to put it up for sale on amazon:


It's old footage, but buy it anyway to support dad. He even composed most of the music.

And he put up 2 clips from the movie. The first clip is the intro:


Yes, I am the little girl at the very beginning, along with my ex-neighbor Chloe. Ex because she moved to New York.

And the second clip is what he calls "eagle whispering." He's making friends with a wild golden eagle.


I tried to stick them on my blog so there they are. I'll have them up for a little while until I feel like taking them down.
And look! I even figured out how to make the first one a direct link to the pages! I'm so smart. But the second 2 wouldn't work and I'm too tired right now to try and fix it.

Oh yeah. I met a woman who wrote a book too. At a motel in Reno. At the hot tub. Ooh, hot tubs are nice. I might as well include her too.
Jolene Rabjohn
Sun Valley Architecture and Interiors


Kris said...

cool blog! i'm a writer too. and it is cool to be published, even if it's just in a magazine. Check out my blog sometime!

Kris said...

yeah. i was looking through fang's comments.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!