

Monday, February 27, 2012

Limyaael's Blog on Writing

Tara asked me to post on Limyaael's blog . Here's the not so 'master' list. There's most of them here, but not all.

Anyway, Limyaael is a fantasy writer, and a teacher of some kind of English somewhere to either highschool or college kids, I'm not exactly sure which. One day Panda told me to read her posts and I couldnt stop. She brings up a lot of good points that are prevalent in most fantasy writing (even in writing that's not so fantasy). So if you're an aspiring writer, or you want to read an opinionated person's opinion go read her blog.

Personally I feel as if Limyaael addresses a lot of really good points in fantasy writing that I usually find myself forgiving. So a book she would call god awful, I'd say wasnt too bad, not my favorite, but not too bad. Regardless, she really illustrates the idea that fantasy has become repetitive and fails to fully branch out and explore. Admittedly this is difficult to do, it's an entirely new and different world.

She also dives into character types, development, backgrounds, and other things, all of which I feel apply to all characters not just those in fantasy. It's really interesting stuff to read, and really inspiring. I just cant think of what to write these days :D

By the way, Tara we have to work on our story. I'll email you sometime this week with a bio of Saleera, Nex, and Zuben. Unfortunately I might have to 'kill off' Kailo. He might appear as a cameo character in there somewhere, or I'll save him for later. Oh and Zuben will probably be in his egg for almost all of the story, just cause :3 So whenever I get that sent out to you email me Ginger, Arith, Shalia,your other character's bios. That way I can get a better feel for the new and improved versions of them.

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