

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Feeling really lame now. I'm going to try to use m blog as a therapy by complaining. Maybe I'll feel better after I get it out of my system.
Starting to get hit with all the big projects that are gonna be due this semester. It's starting to scare the hell out of me. Plus When I called to get picked up from the train, no one picked up THREE TIMES. Dad wasn't home even though he knew I needed to be picked up, and Mom just didn't pick up the phone, apparently because she was downstairs. She has a phone downstairs. So I'm left sitting outside at the train station for half an hour. Except the book I had to keep me occupied was Mockingjay. Now, I really liked The Hunger Games. And Catching Fire was pretty good too. Ellen warned me that the books went downhill, but I wanted to finish the series anyway. I was almost done with the book when I was at the train station. And as I was sitting there, abandoned at the station, I was reading all this stuff about Katniss being a #@!##$#!@##$! and it put me in a really foul mood. What was with the ending of that series? Really?
I'm gonna complain about some other stuff now.
A while ago, I heard about something called the "Star Wars Holiday Special." It had all the real actors and characters. How bad can it be? Well, I just watched some of it. It's painfully bad. Was this even made by the same people? o-o
I've been watching some of the Rurouni Kenshin anime too. They change so much stuff, even in the episodes that aren't lame fillers. Why the hell do so many anime have to do that? Stop changing things thinking you can improve on them! That goes for movies too. And the anime version of Kenshin is starting to bug me too. They've taken him too far in both directions. He's both too much of a sissy, and too perfect with his fighting sense, predicting things that make no sense and such... yeah. If I didn't just reread part of the manga, I'd be really tempted to throw Kenshin off the top of my Favorite Characters list. So, I must revise that list. The Kenshin from the manga is my favorite character. The Kenshin in the first few episodes of the anime is okay, but the rest of the anime is not the Kenshin I've grown attached to. Depending on how much the next few episodes bug me, I'm probably gonna quit and just keep the Kenshin from the manga. I was planning on at least watching through the Shishio arc, but maybe not.
I also watched the first couple episodes of XXX Holic recently because I liked parts of the manga.
And I started reading "Buso Renkin" by the author of Rurouni Kenshin. It's okay, but I like Kenshin better.

Now for a good series. I actually finished watching it a few weeks ago, but I don't think I've really mentioned it. It's called the Twelve Kingdoms. At first I didn't care for it too much. Youko was such a selfish brat. But about five episodes in, it started getting better. the creatures are really cool, the kirins are beautiful, and Rakushun looks so huggable. The end of the first arc seemed kinda rushed. Sugimoto's change seemed kinda too easy (if I were Yoko, I wouldn't trust her so quickly), and they skipped over what could have been a cool scene breaking into the castle.
The Taiki arc's my favorite. I really want them to finish it. I wonder if the books have gotten that far yet.
The Shoukei and Suzu arc bugged me a lot at first too because those girls were annoying. And then like the first season, they got better and I ended up liking that arc too. I gotta say, it is pretty impressive how they can make you hate the characters at first, and then get you attached to them. But you gotta be careful with that. Youko and Sugimoto almost made me quit right at the beginning of the series.
So, I decided to try to find the first book to read. 2, 3, and 4 seem like they'll be pretty easy to find. But 1 is out of print. And I can't find it anywhere for less than $30. I almost had one on ebay, but I got outbid at the last minute. I'd really rather not spend that much for a bent-up paperback... I hope I can find one some time.

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