

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Going Normal

I got my second five-star mark on a poem this evening. :3
I thought it was a lame failure at a romance poem, but I guess people liked it. XD
It's really weird writing romance poems. And yet I've tried three of them this semester. So, my first three will probably be my last three for a while.
It's strange writing about something that you have no experience with.

I still want to play Ni no Kuni. TT^TT
Which brings me to my next point.
Studio Ghibli.
I heard a while ago that Studio Ghibli is no longer going to do fantasy movies. And while I like their realistic movies, this makes me incredibly sad. Their fantasy movies are so amazing, and catching, and colorful, and creative. They're unlike anything else I know, and they will always hold a special place for me.
I was always looking forward to the next Ghibli movie to see if they could one-up Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, or Howl's Moving Castle. But I guess that won't happen.
Again, not to say I don't like their realistic movies. I like them very much. I just watched Whisper of the Heart again, and being a writer, I love that one especially. But they just don't have that same level of Amazingness that their fantasies have.
Apparently they decided to do this in order to get across different messages in their movies. I think.
But one of the great things about fantasy is that they give you an entirely different field for giving messages. You can say things differently than you could say them in a realistic film. So... why stop? Why stop what you're the best at? Better than anyone else I know of?

And just now, as I was trying to look up more information about this, I discovered something else.
Apparently the next two movies by Miyazaki and Takahata will be their last.
Nooo, please don't stop!! Miyazaki is such a genius! I can't imagine not having him create new stuff. TT^TT
But not only that. Apparently, once these two retire, Disney wants to get in on Ghibli. As in take it over, or partially take it over.
Oh, God, no. I like Disney stuff. There are a lot of Disney movies that I love very very much.
But they bought Pixar. They bought Marvel. They bought Star Wars. They're buying everything! Stop buying everything! They're taking over the film industry! And while I like Disney stuff, they have a certain way of removing part of the creative edge from things. At least, from what I've noticed so far. Pixar is slowly being taken over by sequels. Although I was so excited in the buildup to Brave, even that disappointed me some. Even their English translations of Ghibli movies remove a little something (though to be fair, most translations do).
Disney, while I love a lot of your stuff, I don't want EVERYTHING to come from Disney!

Aww, man, I hope none of this is true. TT^TT

Fact of the Day: There is a certain frequency of vibrations that helps bone strength. Cat purrs fall within the frequency, so their purring is actually beneficial to their health.

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