

Monday, October 14, 2013

Chapter 3 Reading

It seems that whenever I post about my creative writing class, I'm several days late.
I blame Ellen (For no good reason, but she was there, so I can pretend to blame her).
So, yeah. Ellen decided to lurk in the back of my creative writing class on Thursday. Hmmm. I wonder if I can get her to write a blog post about it. What'd ya think about crashing my class, Ellen? You've been threatening to do that for a few years, and you finally got your chance.
She spent much of the class the same way I did. Doodling. Scott gave her a picture of San Francisco, and started redrawing one corner of it in great detail, with a pink pen.
(I was working on the "essential expressions" sheet for Fern, to help me practice drawing a face consistently, and to help me with expressions. It's pretty interesting).
I also read chapter 3 of Katani's story.
At least I didn't have to wait 3 weeks this time. And there was a decent amount of people in the class.
The reaction this chapter seemed to be the best so far. I'm curious if that's mainly a reflection of the class in general. Because a lot of people in the class aren't as interested in fantasy (I know because many of them said that last semester). And the chapter I read really didn't include much of a fantasy element, except for the brief mention of dragons. It didn't include any action either. It was mainly Katani interacting with family. It was also the first chapter I'd read to the class where the viewpoint character spent a some time just thinking. Some of my fellow classmates seemed to like that. Although, admittedly for the other chapters I read so far in class, I had trouble really getting into Katani's (or Kazuhi's) mind. Dialogue was the main way I got across their thoughts. I'm still working on that. But in those particular scenes, the characters are just saying what they're thinking, so a lot of thoughts I could add just seem redundant...
So, that was good. I wasn't sure if this chapter turned out well, so I'm glad people liked it more.
Which reminds me. Once I edit it, I need to send it back to Ellen so she can give me the notes she took.

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