

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Longest Journey

I recently watched a play-through of a computer game called The Longest Journey.
Back in middle school, I played through this game a couple times with a friend of mine.
(I also feel a bit bad about that, because in hindsight I'm not sure how much he wanted to play computer games. I'll never know though, since her parents made us stop being friends (they got all high and mighty, or something. Jerks.))

It was really cool to watch The Longest Journey again, since I am no longer able to play it.
As I watched it, I realized how much it affected my story ideas. I played that game before I really started writing. Or, at least before I started writing stories all the way through that made some sort of sense.
In the game, the main character, April, can shift between two worlds. I'm pretty sure that the shifting is what inspired me to have my three connected worlds - Soreina, Magic-Earth, and Technology-Earth.
Plus the game has some interesting cultural development of the different species in the magical world. I guess I was able to appreciate that stuff back then, since I liked the game so much.
At the same time, there are some parts that don't see like they should be played by a kid my age. Although, to be fair, I didn't really understand a lot of those references back then...
And April's design made me think of how sexism is very common in games. Really big but and chest. Yeah. But she was a cool character despite that.
I like that game. Too bad I can't actually play it myself anymore. You should try to watch a play-through of it. ^-^ If you do, let me know what you think.

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