

Monday, October 5, 2015

Email Shenanigans

I've feared ever since I started my grad program that it would be hard to get people organized.
And now that's exactly what's happening.
For over three weeks I've been sending out email after email, trying to get school people on the same page. I've had to ask some questions three times before I finally receive a response. It's like they're picking and choosing the least helpful parts of my emails to respond to. So I spend all my time waiting on responses. When I met with the two science teachers a few weeks ago, they told me that they had more notes they'd send along of stuff they wanted me to fix. So I've been waiting for that ever since, and I just found out that I probably won't even get them. One teacher hasn't even read my full novel...
I've just had to work off what they told me during the meeting.
And then to top it off, the two of them are hinting that I won't finish in time to graduate this semester. Even though I've been waiting on information from them all this time.

And meanwhile they're changing what they want me to do.
As of last week, the two science advisers decided that they don't want my full novel. They only want the first 7 chapters.
Which is baffling to me and my third adviser (he's the only one in the English department - the other two are in environmental studies). The first part of the story has the least amount of environment in it. It's mostly in the later parts of the story. And the later parts of my story are where all of the most important (to me) content is - the hope of a world rebuilding. That's also where my favorite character is. Heh.
So I met with my English adviser last week, and we commiserated about the weird changes it seems I'm supposed to make. I'm glad I have a fellow writer on my side. I've gotten some helpful suggestions from him so far. And he's the only one who's given me a full copy of my story that's marked up.
But on the flip side, he's the hardest to contact over email.

Some of the suggestions from the other advisers are more questionable. They want me to add a lot more environmental facts/explanations. Well, I can understand that, since this is a environmental studies project. Even if it's rarely good to provide hunks of background info to a story.
But when they want me to add more gore... well, that's no longer about the department. That's about you own personal tastes. Adding gore does nothing to improve the environmental content.

Luckily when I graduate, I can change my story again to the way I want it.

So,everyone is driving me crazy.

But I got the draft of my final project (with cover letter, literature analysis, and everything) sent off just now. So hopefully they'll get back to me soon and let me take my exams. I don't want to pay for another semester just because people won't give me the information I need.

And as I write this, I can't help wondering if they have a link to my blog, and are reading this. O__O
Either way, these guys are nowhere near as frustrating as the teacher who didn't grade my class for almost an entire semester after the class had ended...

Okay, vent done.
I've spent two full days trying to get this done, so now i'd better go and do homework for my other classes...

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