

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Letters to the Dead

In my YA fiction class, we just finished a book called Love Letters to the Dead. I didn't care about the book much, but our blog assignment for the week was that we could write our own letter to the dead.

In the book, the main character wrote her letters mostly to famous people - singers, actors, etc. Which is a good option, if there is a famous person who influenced you.
But maybe a loved one died. You may want to write a letter to them.

Or maybe it's someone that you never got to meet.
What I did was write a letter to both of my grandfathers. I never met either of them (my Grandpa right now isn't technically related to me, but he's been the best Grandpa).
What would I say to them if I could meet them? How would we get along?

This is an activity I'd recommend. Write your own letter to someone who is no longer among the living.

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