

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Yosemite Battle

I wanted to talk about this new development regarding Yosemite National Park. How a bunch of corporate idiots somehow got ahold of the rights to all the iconic names across the Yosemite park. Despite that fact that none of them came up with the names. And they're trying to hold onto the rights unless they get an insanely crazy amount (I think it was $50 million?).

And then I tried to hold myself back, because it seems that the media focuses on all the negative stuff, and leaves out a lot of the good things that happen.
I didn't want to contribute to the negativity by ranting about this, as I easily could.
I suppose it's easy to shout about stuff that outrages you. Like greedy, nasty people.
Besides, they won't ever be able to stop most people from continuing to use the real names. Assuming they can get away with this idiocy. Which I hope they don't.

So I guess I should go for some positive new instead. Though admittedly, I'm not usually up to date about the news, except for big stuff, and stuff that's in my study area.
(I had to resort to flipping to the page-long news updates in Dad's Sierra Club magazine):

Two new marine reserves have been created near Easter island and the South Pacific. Each is about 250,000 square miles.

That has a nice parallel for Katani's story. After the events of the story, Katani and Tyra will patrol the coast and catch illegal fishers that poach from the marine reserves near Reyu, or break the harvesting rules. So they'll sort of become rangers (I got this idea a couple months ago, while thinking of what Katani would do after the Retrievers disband. I know what Shanka and the Betas will do too. They'll work at the palace, and I think Shanka will take up Fei Yen's old position).

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