

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Market of Mourning

So, here's my last summary! Time to celebrate!
So, for Environmental science class, we have to do two projects per semester relating to the environment (as if you couldn't tell from the title of the class) and I asked if I could write a story. So, I decided to use Briena (remember her?) for the main character. She and Ranen (her animal partner) are on an assignment to find an illegal market where they sell endangered species, or parts of them. So, Briena finds and breaks up this market, with a little help. I couldn't make the story too long, but it gets its point across.
But, these animal markets are real (on our planet, not just on Briena's). They're these places that sell leopard cubs, or monkeys, or bear claws, or rhino horns. All species that are endangered of extinction. All these markets are illegal of course, but no one stops them. Anyone can walk in and buy whatever they want. Tey've brought cameras in and everything. They sell leopard cubs for $50!!!!! Can you believe that! But no one cares! They keep letting these people sell those animals that we're killing off thanks to poaching, global warming, and habitat destruction. It's sickening what humans do sometimes. So, this story is obviously criticizing the fact that NO ONE TRIES TO STOP THESE STUPID MARKETS and that we should wise up and do something before all those endangered animals are gone forever. In case you can't tell, I easily lose my temper when thinking about these kinds of people. I'm debating about writing about all the people that make me ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS. Writing about it will make me furious, but at least I'd get rid of some of my frustration, and let other people know about the kinds of people who need to be blasted to the moon.

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