

Monday, October 24, 2011

Get Good Teams

So, I think I'll post again right after this, because I'm gonna whine in this one. I've put this justified complaint off since Friday. But it's about that big project I mentioned.
Okay. So take an entire semester course, put it into one big project, and make that project due last Friday instead of at the end of the semester. That project includes a full paper along with several smaller papers, a binder full of our sources (I had to print out about 300 pages - I kid you not), trips to our specific wetland, and interviews with at least 3 experts on the site. And then add two group partners who you're supposed to work with and split all of the "smaller"tasks with.
My partners didn't even start their interviews or anything until a week before the project was due. I had visited my site twice, done all my interviews, and foud most of my sources and even then I had to use all of my free time the last week to go through my sources and write my paper.
My group mates were supposed to get most of their stuff to me on Tuesday so I could start organizing it into a binder. They didn't. So I told them to get it to me Thursday evening. They didn't. So we had to meet before class to finish. I assumed we'd use that time to put all of our stuff together and for me to burn my CD, since my computer wouldn't do it for some reason.
Not so. They hadn't eve FINISHED their papers 3 hours before they were due. And they were working on those instead of all the organizing we still needed to do as a group! I know they did a totally sucky job, and they didn't even really finish their individual reports and CDs. So I couldn't even start putting the binder together until the last second.
I was concerned about the guy from the beginning, and he admitted that he might not have even DONE the project if he didn't have group mates. But I was hoping the girl would at least have her act together...
I was so busy trying to get them organized that I only got to go over my own paper once. I know I did freakishly better than them, but I still could have made my own paper neater.
I freaking hate group projects.
Never get stuck with bad group partners. I can't wait to burn them on our team evaluation sheet. They better not screw up my grade.
Still, I'm amazed at how I was able to communicate with them normally that last morning. No screaming, swearing, or even glaring evilly at them. Considering the circumstances and how I felt about their work, I was perfectly civil. I'm rather amazed I was able to do that in hindsight.

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