

Friday, December 24, 2010

Climates and Habitats

So, I've been meaning to do this for a heckuva long time. Different habitats occur in different areas. For example, deserts occur behind a range of mountains, in what's known as the rain shadow. Rain doesn't make it over the mountains, hence dry deserts.
And the distance from the equator is also a huge factor in what habitats and climates you get. Obviously, around the equator you get a lot of tropical rain-forests.
Now, Magic-Earth shares most of the original habitat that we once had on Earth. But Soreina is entirely different. I wanted to plot out possible habitats around the map.
Again, Ellen drew the maps. Thanks!
So, here's my first attempt at habitat-making. Uh... at least it's a start. I know it has plenty of problems. Bear with me. Photo shop wasn't working properly.

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