

Friday, December 17, 2010

Project for Awesome

So, I officially got out of my last final a couple hours ago. I've been watching the annual event of the Project for Awesome. It's a Vlogbrothers event where everyone makes videos about charities and posts them on youtube and comments on all the other videos. I made a video for the humane society I volunteer at, and even though I spent a freaking long time working one it, the audio got completely screwed up and I have making videos. So I won't post the link.
But I will post my favorite video so far.

And here's another.

Duuude, I really wish I was rich. I want to donate to so many places now... I wish I could fund a clean drinking well, or help pay for a new school, or send food to people who need it. And I want to fly to those places and meet the people there and try to help them...
I will do that some day! Till than, I'll continue to volunteer and save up money to help decrease world suck.

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