

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Middle School Birthday Party

So, I wasn't sure what today would be like. I went to help at my cousin Dylan's birthday party (technically he's my cousin's cousin). He just turned 13, and 12 of his middle-school friends were there, including Sean, the cousin between me and Dylan.
Dylan has a lot of energy. And from what I knew, so did his friends. So it could have turned out to be a pretty crazy day.
I was a little dubious about going cause the place they went was sort of far away. Monday through Friday I had to do the 45 minute drive to campus, and on Saturday I had to do a 2 hour drive for a class trip. Next Monday through Thursday I have to go to campus, and then next Saturday I have to do exactly the same 2 hour drive to the same place, so another long drive was not something I was looking forwards to. Originally I was going to help them drive, but I didn't need to. I got a ride instead, which was great.
Actually, it turned out to be pretty fun! It was pretty crazy, but a different kind of crazy from the rest of the semester. A fun crazy. Got to put on my kid hat.
We went to this big trampoline place that had these huge trampoline areas. One of them had a huge pit filled with foam cubes, and you'd dive in and then attempt and fail to climb out. It's like the La Brea Tar Pits, where the animals get stuck and cant' get out. Pretty funny to watch the kids flail around like a turtle on their back. Dylan dove in head-first (because I told him to) and had his feet flailing in the air for a minute until he righted himself.
You can't keep me out of that kind of stuff. I figured out an easier way to climb out by imitating the water skipper.
And one of the trampoline areas was devoted to dodgeball.
I LOVE DODGEBALL. I haven't played in so long! It was sooo fun! I still suck at throwing, but I'm still good at dodging! Man, brings back memories of elementary school. Whenever I was the last one standing, the kids would shout at me to get out so they could play again. So I just stood there, and the kids kept missing even though I wasn't moving.
Back at home, Dylan unleashed some randomness by bringing out about 20 stuffed animals. So we buried some kids on the couch in stuffed animals and had stuffed-animal-fights and stuff. He had about five REALLY BIG Pokemon stuffed animals. And many more smaller ones. Makes my small collection of stuffed animals seem pretty tame.
Dylan's birthday cake was frosted blue with a rainbow lightning bolt.
Yep. A 13-year-old boy serving a Rainbow Dash cake at his birthday party, despite many of his friends saying that MLP is a girly show. I still think that's a stupid thing to say about the show. There's plenty of guy stuff that girls watch and enjoy. Why the hell are some things considered girly, so that only weird guys watch them?
So, yeah . Crazy but fun. As always, I turn into a kid during that stuff.
Had to work on chores a lot when I got home though.
Still got to write some stuff tonight to apply for graduation (I will be writing a separate post complaining about that). And gotta finish my homework too.
But I did watch my show. Once Upon a Time.
There's only one episode left. O___O
You should watch it.
Considering how much stuff you guys tell me to watch (hours, hours, hours, hours of anime and TV shows) you should watch the stuff I suggest too.
One of the cool things is that the characters are based off of fairytale characters. So even though they introduce a lot of them, you never lose track because you already know them all! I like their takes on the different characters. And I like the time they spend in the past.
I find Rumpelstiltskin really intriguing. I wanna know what becomes of him. And the Evil Queen. Is there still some good left in her, or did revenge totally eat her soul?
Only one episode left! How can they wrap this up in one episode? Curse cliffhangers!! O_O
That's one of the things about jumping on the anime bandwagon so late. All of the series I'm watching/reading are all or mostly done, so I don't need to wait for more episodes to come up (usually).
Not this time. You remember me posting about the 1st episode. It's the first show I've watched regularly on TV since.... I don't even know when. Definitely not since high school. Though I've been watching Korra too. I had to miss the last episode though because of the school trip. I hope they have it up soon, because Mom and Dad want to watch it.
So yeah. Second to last episode of Once Upon a Time. I really want to draw out pictures of some of my actions when I watch stuff.
A couple from today were:
"Emma, don't do it! Don't be stupid! Don't trust her!"
"Noooooo! Henry! Oh my God! TT^TT" (This is where the cliffhanger hit).

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