

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer and the Day of Black Sun

First of all (belated post, since this happened on Monday) did you guys witness the solar eclipse?
It wasn't a full eclipse here. I think the full one happened around Carson City, Nevada. So Carter, a friend of the family, must have had an amazing view. When I went outside to look at it, I noticed how the lighting everywhere was dimmer than usual. It was so strange and disorienting.
And you're not supposed to look directly at the sun during an eclipse. Dad has this cool way of holding binoculars up to a piece of paper, and then the crescent of the sun will be reflected down onto the paper so you can see what's happening.
And then someone went, "oh my god! Look at the shadows!" And we did. All of the shadows on the houses, cars, and streets, were made up of countless tiny little crescent shapes. It was amazing. I'd seen anything like that before.
Man, I wish we could have gone up to Carson City to see the real thing.
I'll get pictures up. Maybe on the next post.

So, on to part two.
Today was my last final.
Gasp gasp.
This was a final for the teachers that drives me (and most everyone else) crazy. Some of the things on the final I don't recall ever hearing in my life. I won't go into how horribly the last test went for everyone. But dude, the teacher was 35 MINUTES LATE for the final. What the hell?
Whatever the results, I'm just glad it's over.
And then both before and after the final, I was running a wild goose chase all around campus (literally) trying to sell back textbooks (during most of it, I had to carry said books around, and they weighed a LOT, especially since I took the train and I still couldn't get rid of the two biggest, heaviest books) and trying to finish applying for graduation. The graduation thing had me going about five different places. It would make a very long (and boring) post if I detailed everything. I wish they didn't make things so hard.
So, very exhausting. Glad to have it done, for now.

And on the train ride home, I finally let my mind relax a bit. And I got some good thinking done about the Arith and Saleera story. I'll have to send Ellen a nice long email.
I don't think vacation has sunk in. Maybe after a little while of not having to worry about homework, I'll finally come to that amazingly wonderful realization. Heheh.

Aww fricksickle! (<-- blame my friend for that one) I gotta finish my Fanime costume! Hahah! I wonder how I should do the collar...
Anyway, I'll give the next thing its own post. Somehow this post has turned into a complaint again. Bad me! Next post will be better.

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