

Friday, May 25, 2012

Writing Program and References

I don't think I mentioned this on the blog, so here goes.
I'm going to apply for a writing workshop this summer. One part of it is a workshop where people help you improve your writing.
And the other thing is something you apply for separately. It's a grant to stay up in one of their cabins for a week fro free as you work on your writing.
I need to edit a bunch of my poems, and the beginning of Katani's story to submit. Katani is what I want to work on a lot (as well as Arith and Saleera's story). I better finish soon.
And for the grant, I needed two professional references. So I asked a couple of my teachers from this semester. I asked my writing teacher and a teacher from my climate change class who graded a lot of my papers.
I just got my references from them. Was I supposed to read them? Because I did.
Getting all emotional because my teachers have nice things to say. Hahah! They were nice to read though. A good morale booster.

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