

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Can't There Just be Friends?

This is another topic I posted about a while ago. I've thought about more I want to say about it.
It seems like there has to be a romance in everything. If there's a guy and a girl, odds are they're going to get together. Everyone has to have some sort of romance.
So when there isn't one, it's really kind of nice.
Like in the TV show, Warehouse 13. Pete and Mica are partners and friends. But as Pete said in one episode "Mica would never kiss me. Not if her life depended on it." Heheh.
And even better, is Claudia and Steve. Claudia and Steve are both very fun characters. I love their best-friends-forever relationship. It seems even sweeter since I know they'll never hook. This is because Steve's gay.
Which makes me wonder... do they now have to make someone gay in order to ensure the viewer that there won't be a relationship? (I'm obviously not saying that's the only reason they'd have a gay character. But I appreciate their relationship much more knowing that they're not going to spring a romance on us at the last second)
And I started thinking... are there any Disney movies without romances?
I don't think Finding Nemo had one. Lilo and Stitch didn't really have one either (though I guess Nani and David were together)
I guess Frozen didn't technically end with a romance. But it's not like there was an absence of romance.
In Treasure Planet, Jim doesn't have a girlfriend. Though there is a romance among other characters (Though that was more fun than most Disney romances).

Studio Ghibli movies don't always have a romance. There are always male and female characters. And occasionally there are hints of something (that's what I do. I hint at things). I believe that Howl's Moving Castle was the first real romance? At least the first actual kiss.

I watched A Girl Who Leapt Through Time with Ellen one night in Japan. And Chiaki's goodbye was a hug and a head-pat.
And it was a very sweet farewell (I already have plans to steal it for one of my future stories XD ).
Ellen was right in saying that a kiss there would have ruined the mood.
Not the case in Epic. In that movie, the hug would have been perfect. But no. They had to add the kiss. Whyyy? They just had to stick it in at the last second, didn't they? It felt so forced and unnecessary.

And then another note about shipping (deciding which characters should hook up). I don't like shipping. I never really cared about that with anime and such. But then I learned that people actually ship real-live people. Which just seems really disrespectful... Not to mention uncomfortable for the subjects.
Maybe that's why I don't like shipping with fictional characters - it's just a small step from fictional characters to real people. And to me, fictional characters always have their own life.
And I started to wonder why some people are so obsessed with shipping. And I did reach one possible conclusion. Maybe they just don't understand that all different kinds of love are equally important and powerful. They think that the only love that matters for a relationship is romantic love.
If people think that, then they're going to miss a lot out of life.

In other words, I tried to find some interviews with Idina Menzel. And I did find a couple. But I didn't really find enough to let me make my decision. So, until further notice, I will continue to love her singing, but I don't know whether or not she's my favorite actress.

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