

Monday, December 30, 2013

Cut It Down

So, I went to see the Hobbit part 2 with my parents today.
And I was disappointed.
Honestly, my hopes weren't that high to begin with, considering how the first movie went. And considering they're stretching that poor book out into 3 movies.
They could have cut out half of that movie, and then it would have been great.
(Billbo was great though).

It all has to do with something we talked about in my creative writing class.
A story is not done when you've finished adding stuff. It's done when you've cut out as much as you can. When you get rid of all the fluff, all the unnecessary details. and have streamlined everything, that's when it starts to get really good. (One of my Red Seeker chapters suffered greatly from this. I deleted a few pages, and now it sucks less)
People don't want to read pages about the description of a character's eyes.
And I'm guessing that most people don't care about a 20 minute fight as a bunch of dwarves are flushed down a river with an elf stomping on their heads and shooting things.
And they just had to add a totally random romance in there. (Yeah, I hate half-ass romances.) You know, in order to make up for all my complaining about romances, I'll go and search out my favorite pair.
I was also really looking forward to Smaug, but I was disappointed in that too. Sigh. TT^TT Just too much. Too much of everything, everything was too long.
Why shove Sauron and Lagolaas in here?

Lesson: Don't stretch stuff out. You'll lose all of your fans that appreciate actual quality, instead of another fighting or fake romance scene.

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