

Friday, January 3, 2014

Lazy New Year

I never did wish a happy new year on the blog.
Although I've spent almost no time on the internet since the new year started.
And I haven't really gotten anything done either.
Mom's gone this weekend so I have the living room to myself and can watch movies without getting kicked out. As always, she did leave a list of chorse for me, but I'll probably wait until Sunday. That's when I do most of my chores anyway.
I finally finished watching the anime of Tegami Bachi. I'm not really sure why I watched it all the way through, though 90% of it was on while I was doing other stuff. Then again, almost everything I watch is in the background while I draw, sew, train Pokémon, or something.
And I watch anime realllly slowly. I don't even remember when I started watching Tegami Bachi. It had one of those bandaid endings, where the anime overtook the manga and so they just ended it however they felt like. And there were a bunch of filler episodes too.
I started watching One Piece today. I read a lot of it, and I wanted to watch some of the anime. I'm not sure how much I'll watch yet.
I don't know the last time I watched 6 anime episodes in one day. Heheh. Usually it's 1 or zero.
And I've been reading a book a friend gave me, but no matter how much I read, I never seem to get any closer to the ending...
I have 100 books I need to read. It was 99 when I counted last, and I read several of them since then. But then I got more books for CHristmas... so the number hasn't changed at all. TT^TT Where did they all come from? They're secretly multiplying in my closet. I guess I'll have to start checking out more books on tape to try and get rid of some of the biggest, longest ones.

On a totally random note, I found an couple online tests that says which Hogwarts house you'll be in. Both of them said I'd be in Hufflepuff. Heh. I'm not going to try to analyze that on the blog.
Long test
Short test
Tell me what houses you'd be in~

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