

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Bundle of Stuff

I was in my Web Design class last Monday night looking into cool website designs when I found an old roleplay site I always lurked that had been completely redone & revived (although it's school time, so there's hardly any activity at the moment). I was pleasantly surprised. I haven't rped in a long time (or written much of anything story related) but this makes me want to get into it again and actually get something writing related done.
Acornrack is no more, it's spleafnet now.

On a sour note, they're replacing pipes on the main road near my house and the last few weeks or so I've had to walk through construction to get to my bus stop. And the machines are always kicking up dust and the materials smell foul. :| I'm sure they are doing what they have to & are getting paid for it but it makes me wonder sometimes what it would be like if we lived in a more medieval yet sensibly modern (ie women have similar rights/responsibilities) era. There'd be dirt & cobblestone roads, horses, carts, simple yet functional clothing, and I would hope a greater closeness to nature. Plus less noise overall. That's been a real annoyance to me lately. Everything makes a lot of noise; cars, machines, overly loud music. I hate it. It feels like I'm losing my hearing more and more to all of this noise. The medieval times didn't have that problem I believe.

Which reminds me, I went to the Renaissance Faire down at Casa de Fruta ("house of fruit" xD) as part of my b-day present. I was amazed that the weather was much milder this year. We got to see the comedians Moonie & Broon. They didn't have the shoulder gryphons this year but they did have the expensive but beautiful leather masks. We all wore costumes, which is the only way to go personally (they have rentals :D). I got a nice black parasol (so not Ren Faire appropriate though).

Random Thought: It's funny how easily we can slip from rigorous routine into loafing. That is, if we don't try or apply ourselves daily, nothing will get done. We are different from our ancestors, we are not doing this to survive but simply acting as society expects us to, without all the added life/death pressures that were at the forefront of ancient life. I would like to find it, that balance of doing what's necessary and functioning in society to a certain degree and to enjoy doing it; I suppose this is the human condition.

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