

Thursday, October 7, 2010


That's a good point, Steph. You can show by telling Hahah! Yeah, showing is important. I think I've done a bit too much telling in... uh... some cases. But you can show through dialogue, and I guess that that's telling, huh?
Oh my gosh, ellen. Some of those emotions don't suit Nex. O_O Silly? No. Just no. DOn't get me wrong. Your thing is great. I just cannot imagine Nex doing that.
I really ought to try that... whenever I get some time. Bleh. I hate being a slave to homework and group projects and field trips and and and... I used to get annoyed when people said that they had no time to do something. If you want to do it, make time to do it. I still make time to do the things I want to do, but it's pretty hard to do that this semester.
So, I gots lots of stuff to talk about again. Not even including updates on my CW class.
So, I just got back from a presentation that I had to go see for CW. We need to see 2 author presentations this semester - one before midterms and one after. So, luckily I found one that was near my house instead of far away at school. The author is Michael Chabon. The book he was talking about is called "The Amazing adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Considering I just found out about the presentation on tuesday and I've been working on schools tuff since, I didn't even get to pick up a copy of his book beforehand. I might check it out of the library though. From what I gathered, it's about comic books. Or about 2 guys in the 1930's who are writing a comic book. I like the name Kavalier. It's sounds fun.
And let's see. Last saturday, I had to go to a different presentation for my environmental law class. This was a speech by Pete McCloskey. I posted about him a while ago cause Uncle Rob made a documentary about him. So, I met the guy, and he's a friend of my uncle's, and I know his wife. She's nice. I talked to her after the presentation.
And then a couple years ago, there was that interview by Miyazaki. Now, I'd like to do a quick comparison.
The first one, by Miyazaki, I was desperate to go to. We managed to get ahold of the elusive tickets, and the whole time I was in the audience, I felt as though I was basking in the presence of greatness.
For Pete McCloskey, I was like "dude, I kinda know this guy! Cool! And look how many people are here to see him!"
And tonight, I was like "cool. An author. I wonder if his book's any good." I hung around for a few minutes after to watch the book signings. I guess I was kinda hoping to see what an actual author looks like up close. No, not really. I was just amusing myself with that thought as I was standing there. Besides, I've met other published authors before. One thing struck me. There was a long line for book signings. Yeah, I want to be an author. But if I do, how will I ever deal with so many people? O_O What would I say to them all? Am I even stupid to be thinking that I can even get there?
And one thing that always confuses me about the speech. They have someone go up on stage and talk, and then the introduce a DIFFERENT person who comes up and introduces the real person you're there to see. Is there a reason that happens?

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